Socks’ Health Update: March 2020

I wish I was writing with better news but I’m not.

The slightly good news is that his liver disease has stabilized. The medications he’s on are doing wonders for his insides and he hasn’t had one of his “bad” days since he started on his treatment.

Unfortunately, his back legs continue to be an issue.

We took him to a neurologist who ran all sorts of expensive tests only to find…nothing. They don’t know what’s going on, only that one of his muscles appears to be malfunctioning.

He’s been put on all sorts of different medications and the latest one has only given him diarrhea and not improved the leg collapsing.

So once again he’s an enigma and no one knows why.

It’s discouraging that there are no solid answers and so frustrating that my dog who could once handle an hour and a half walk now starts dragging his feet fifteen minutes in.

All I can do is continue to work with his doctors to try and get to the bottom of the medical mystery that is Socks.