Monthly archives: March, 2017

Socks’ Quirks

Every dog has his or her quirks. Some dogs hate vacuums while others don’t mind them; some dogs love full-body massages and others can’t stand them. Today I’m going to talk about Socks’ main quirks. They are:

Your Dog and Coyotes

As I’ve mentioned quite a few times on this site, I live in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a great city with a lot of wildlife. Wildlife that includes coyotes. Me and Socks see them everywhere, which means other dog owners see them everywhere. Maybe you’re lucky enough not to live in an area that has coyotes …

Javelina Encounters

I live close to the desert and in the neighborhoods I walk Socks I’ve encountered plenty of coyotes. Javelina encounters are a little more rare for us, however. I’m very happy about that because javelina are much more scary than coyotes. Nothing gets your heart pounding like being chased by a javelina, am I right?

How to Have a Happy Trip to the Vet

Most dogs hate going to the vet. My family’s previous two dogs, Misty and Patch, were not big fans but I got lucky with Socks. He adores going in the car and since I’ve only had him for two and a half years, he actually hasn’t gone to the vet that much. But he’s usually …

Advantages of Walking Your Dog (That You Never Realized)

This isn’t going to be the typical ‘5 Reasons Why You Should Walk Your Dog’ post filled with things you already know, such as ‘your dog needs exercise’ (duh), ‘you need exercise’ (double duh), and ‘you don’t want a backyard filled with poop’ (triple duh). While I was walking Socks the other day, I started …