How to Have a Happy Trip to the Vet

Most dogs hate going to the vet. My family’s previous two dogs, Misty and Patch, were not big fans but I got lucky with Socks. He adores going in the car and since I’ve only had him for two and a half years, he actually hasn’t gone to the vet that much. But he’s usually pretty calm and collected when he does have to go for a check-up. Here are some tricks for making sure your trip to the vet goes well (for you and your dog).

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Take Your Dog on Other Car Rides

Dogs are smart and if you only ever take your dog in the car to go to the vet, your canine is going to catch on quickly that car=scary office where uncomfortable things happen. So take your pooch to the dog park. Or doggy day camp. Or take your dog the next time you want fast food. Show them that going in the car doesn’t necessarily mean something bad is going to happen. This will lessen your dog’s anxiety and help them relax more when the day comes that they actually will have to see the vet.

Bring Treats

Yes, most vet offices have treats there already but if your dog is getting anxious in the waiting area or even before they get out of a car, a familiar treat will perk them right up.

Bring a Leash and Keep Your Dog on It

I recall going to the vet a few times with Misty and Patch and another unleashed dog already being the waiting area. Taking a dog off their leash is generally frowned upon in most practices (unless you’re in the individual room waiting to see the vet) but it does happen. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your pooch on their leash at all times so they won’t get into trouble or get into a confrontation with another dog.

Lead by Example

Dogs are so intuitive and pick up on our thoughts and feelings more than most people realize. If you’re tense and anxious going to and at the vet, your dog will be, too. So talk in a soothing voice and pet often to help your dog stay calm and cool.

Follow these tips and your next vet visit should run smoothly! Do you have any other tips for helping your dog enjoy a visit to the vet? If so, I’d love to hear them!