Advantages of Walking Your Dog (That You Never Realized)

This isn’t going to be the typical ‘5 Reasons Why You Should Walk Your Dog’ post filled with things you already know, such as ‘your dog needs exercise’ (duh), ‘you need exercise’ (double duh), and ‘you don’t want a backyard filled with poop’ (triple duh). While I was walking Socks the other day, I started thinking about all the other cool advantages of dog walking that no one ever mentions. In no particular order:

You Become a Bird Connoisseur

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I’ve always liked birds but never really considered myself a ‘birder’ or someone who can glance at a bird or hear a bird and instantly know what I’m looking at/hearing. But now, after years of dog walking, I can easily identify by sight and sound the following: sparrows, mockingbirds, kestrels, quail, crows, hummingbirds, and woodpeckers. It’s pretty cool hearing a bird and knowing what it is.

You’re Friendlier

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I’m a shy, introverted person who is happiest sitting at my computer indoors with my dog by my side. But his twice-daily walks force me to go outside where I have to interact with the world. Sometimes I don’t see anyone on my walks (this usually happens at night more so than the morning) but most of the time, I pass other dog walkers or people out exercising. And I greet all of them. Some comment on Socks, some don’t. But I’m definitely not shy now about waving and saying hello to strangers.

You Get to Know Your Neighborhood

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I’m a naturally nosy person (most writers are). So two walks a day mean I get to see what all my neighbors are up to. Walking a lot has also made me a more confident navigator when I decide to change up our routes. Exploring new areas is fun and a great way to learn more about the area you live.

You Stress Less About Meeting Other Dogs

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I have yet to take Socks to a dog park. I want to, but I’m nervous. Ever so slowly I’m inching towards accepting the fact that it wouldn’t be too bad to take him one day, mainly because he is great with meeting other dogs on our walks. A few times now dogs he doesn’t know have raced out of their homes to greet him. He always stands still, politely sniffs the other dog, lets the other dog sniff him, then we go on our way (after the owner grabs the dog while apologizing, of course). He’s also great when we approach other leashed dogs. It gives me peace of mind to know he’s so calm and mellow around strange dogs.

You See Cool Wildlife and Weather

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This one ties in with my first point, but it still stands: I’ve seen so much cool wildlife when walking Socks. Coyotes, javelina, owls, and hawks just to name a few. I’ve also seen gorgeous sunsets and sunrises, dodged a few monsoons, and enjoyed many full moons. As a nature lover I appreciate all these things and try never to take them for granted.

What about you? I’d love to hear about any unusual advantages you can think of when it comes to walking your dog!