5 Ways to Help Your Dog Stay Cool in the Summer

For most of us, summer signals the start of lazy days by the pool, vacations, and barbecues. But for dog owners, summer can be a tricky time of year. We don’t want to keep our dogs cooped up inside all day but taking them outside can raise their chances of heat stroke. Here are five ways to help your dog stay cool in the summer.

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Walk Before Sunrise and After Sunset

Keeping your pooch inside once the sun comes out is the best way to avoid overheating so try to walk your dog before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down. Another bonus of walking during this time is that you won’t have to worry about your pup burning his or her paws on the hot pavements.

Purchase a Cooling Pad

Cooling pads are an excellent way to help your dog stay cool. They’re available in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some brands even work without refrigeration, water, or electricity. Simply put the pad out and encourage your dog to sit on it.

Play Water Games Outside

A lot of dogs love water play, so if it’s not too hot outside, take your dog out for some cooling water play. Turn on the sprinklers or the hose. Purchase dog toys that can be filled with water. Your pooch will have fun and stay cool.

Play Mostly Inside

Sometimes it’s too hot to play outside even with water. In that case, play inside where it’s cool and the air-conditioning blows freely. If you’d rather not throw a ball or squeaky toy for fear of knocking a picture off the wall or vase off the counter, buy some interactive toys for your dog that will keep him or her entertained all day long.

Keep Them Hydrated

Fill that water bowl and keep an eye on it in the summer. My dog, Socks, drinks about twice as much water as usual in the summer and I always make sure I’m checking his bowl throughout the day.

The summer heat can be tough on dogs, but as long as you follow my tips, you’ll have a happy and cool pup!

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