Dog Water Safety Tips

Summertime means heat which means us humans gravitate towards water, and we usually bring our dogs along. Water safety for children is a big deal but did you also ever consider how to keep your dog safe around water? Here are some essential dog water safety tips to keep in mind this summer.

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Teach Fido to Swim

The first and most important tip is to make sure your dog can swim. We assume all dogs are natural-born swimmers, but this isn’t always the case. Test your pooch’s swimming skills by picking a quiet, shallow spot in the water, getting in the water with him, and observing how he does. Keep a leash on him and stay nearby the whole time. When he starts to paddle with his front legs, lift his hind legs to show him how to float. Always be sure to keep the lesson positive and stress-free so he associates the water with fun, happy times.

Beach Safety

When taking your dog to the beach remember that the ocean can be unpredictable and dangerous. Watch for strong currents and riptides, and always always always put a life jacket on Fido. Don’t let him drink ocean water, either, as that can make him sick (bring plenty of bottled water to keep him hydrated).

Pool Safety

Here in Arizona many houses come with pools to cool off in the summer. To help keep your dog safe, put a fence around your pool so your dog can’t accidentally get in when you don’t want her to. Teach her how to enter and exit by using the steps, and always check the pool’s temperature before letting your dog go in.

River, Lake or Pond Safety

Nothing is better than driving up to the lake or river for a fun day in the sun. If you’re heading out on a boat or you’ll be hanging out on the edge of a dock, make sure your pooch is wearing a life jacket. Also steer clear of bodies of water with blue-green algae as this can make your dog sick. Keep Fido away from sharp fishing gear and check the current of a river or stream before letting your dog swim to make it isn’t too strong for him.

With these tips, both you and your pup will be able to enjoy the water happily and safely this summer!

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