Dogs and Essential Oils

Over the years I’ve slowly shifted my life to a more green/eco-friendly way of living. I try not to waste as much food, I buy only what I absolutely need, and I make a lot of my beauty, health, and cleaning products. An essential (no pun intended) ingredient in all of my beauty, health, and cleaning products is essential oils. But guess what? Dogs can also benefit from essential oils. Here’s a quick how-to guide for anyone interested in using essential oils on their dog.

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The biggest thing to remember about dogs and essential oils is that just because you enjoy a certain blend or scent does not mean your dog will as well. Dogs are sensitive creatures, so use essential oils sparingly on your dog and check constantly to make sure your pup doesn’t have a bad reaction.

That being said, always consult with your vet before trying essential oils on your dog.

Once you have the go-ahead, try the following oils:

  • Lavender: Can help with allergies, burns, ulcers, insomnia, car ride anxiety and car sickness.
  • Cardamom: Can be used to help normalize appetite, colic, coughs, heartburn and nausea.
  • Fennel: Can help break up toxins and fluid in tissue, balance pituitary, thyroid and pineal glands.
  • Helichrysum: Helpful in reducing bleeding in accidents, skin regenerator, and repairing nerves. Also useful in cardiac disease.
  • Frankincense: Has helped some cases of cancer, works on the immune system, and has reduced tumors and external ulcers. Increases blood supply to the brain (although it can worsen hypertension so use with caution).
  • Spearmint: Can help reduce weight, also good for colic, diarrhea, and nausea. Helps balance metabolism and stimulates gallbladder.

Essential oils are extremely powerful, so be sure to always purchase essential oils from a reputable company selling quality oils. Because dogs have sensitive noses, use a small amount and dilute the oil. If your dog does not like the essential oil you put on him, stop putting it on him.

For more information about your dog and essential oils, check out this article.

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