Helping Your Dog Drink Enough Water in the Summer

Here in Phoenix we just hit the triple digits and all across the country dog owners are gearing up for summer. One of the most important ways to keep your dog healthy during the upcoming warm months is making sure your four-legged pal stays hydrated. Here are some tips for helping your dog drink enough water while the temperatures are high.

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Refill That Bowl

Constantly checking and refilling your dog’s water bowl is the easiest way to keep Fido hydrated all throughout the day. I know that my dog drinks more in the summer, so I find myself giving his bowl the once-over anytime I pass by. You could even set out a few water bowls at your pooch’s favorite spots around the house. Some companies also offer auto-fill water bowls. These are a good choice if you’re out of the house most of the day.

Encourage Water Play

Does your dog enjoy frolicking in the sprinklers or jumping in the pool? Encouraging water play is another great way to help keep dogs hydrated. Pull out that hose and start spraying, go for a swim with your pooch, or browse the pet toy selection at your local pet store to find lots of fun toys that can be filled with water.

Bring Plenty of Water on Walks

Walks in the summer can be brutal, especially if you’re taking your dog out when the sun’s high in the sky. Try to exercise your dog when the sun is down (before sunrise and after sunset), but if that’s just not possible, be sure to bring a lot of water on your walk and stop for hydration breaks often.

Watch for Signs of Dehydration

Sometimes even when we do our best to keep our dogs hydrated, dehydration can happen. So be sure to watch your furry pal for the following signs: excessive panting, dry gums, lethargy, sunken eyes, and weakness or collapse. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, please call a vet immediately.

Keeping your dog healthy and hydrated during the summer won’t be hard if you follow these tips!

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