How to Combat Germs When You Own a Dog

Sleek white furniture, cream carpets, sparkling tile, dust-and-dirt-free car…if you’re a dog owner, all of the things I just described are fantasies. Having a dog means hairs and messes and germs. Lots of germs. Here are some easy ways to combat germs when you own a dog.

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Wash Your Hands Often

Give your dog a nice, long pat? Wash your hands. Throw the ball for him a few times? Wash your hands. Brush his coat? Wash your hands. Apply a tick/flea treatment? Wash your hands. Give him a treat? Wash your hands. Sensing a theme here? Basically anytime you touch your dog you need to clean your hands afterward to stop the spreading of germs. Yes, it’s a pain but it’s also the best way to prevent you and your four-legged pal from getting sick.

Clean Your Dog’s Things Often

I’m guilty of not cleaning Socks’ toys on a regular basis but I’m very strict about cleaning his food bowl immediately after he eats and cleaning and refilling his water bowl multiple times a day, especially during the hot summer months. Bacteria thrive in water and warm weather helps it breed fast.

Pay Attention on Walks

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but humans kind of suck when it comes to trash. I see all kinds of food and toys and wrappers thrown to the ground when I’m walking Socks. As soon as he starts to sniff something unsavory, I gently tug him away because germs are just waiting to catch a ride on him. But it’s not just humans; like all dogs, he’s interested in sniffing any dead birds or small rodents and I have to pull him away from those, too.

Pay Attention to Your Dog in General

Of course you already do this, but here’s a reminder to pay close attention to how your dog is acting at all times. Lethargy, vomiting, glassy eyes, excessive panting, and not wanting to eat or drink are just some of the symptoms your dog can exhibit if they’re sick and germs have managed to take over. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your dog is sick so you can start a treatment plan right away.

Combating germs when you’re a dog owner isn’t easy, but with these quick tips you and your dog can easily live happy and healthy lives.

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