How to Give Your Dog Medicine

Just like humans, dogs don’t enjoy taking medicine. When you’re a pet parent, the time inevitably comes when you’ll need to give your furbaby a drug he or she does not want to take. Here are some tips on how to give your dog medicine in a way that’s easy for you and your dog.

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Be Patient

Dogs understand more than we give them credit for, including body language and their owners’ emotional state. If you’re too impatient and stressed and are trying to force a pill into your pet’s mouth, your dog is not going to respond well. Stay calm and relaxed and your dog will pick up on these vibes, thus making it easier to give him or her their medicine.

Hide the Medicine

Some dogs don’t like the taste of pills and will spit them out or refuse to open their mouth to let you give them the pill. In these cases, it’s best to hide the pill in something your dog does like. Misty, my previous dog, loved peanut butter and towards the end of her life, she needed to take a lot of pills. So I would grab a scoopful of pb, stick the pills in the middle, and she’d happily lap them up. You can also use cheese or even a commercial product, such as Pill Pocket.

Use Rewards

Liquid medicine can be a lot trickier to administer than pills because you most likely will need to use a syringe. To help your dog get used to the syringe, you’ll have to help them associate the syringe with a reward. The easiest way to do this is by dabbing a treat on the outside of the syringe, such as peanut butter, cheese, or anything else your dog loves. Then be sure to praise her while she’s licking it off so she becomes comfortable with this method of taking her medicine.

Ask About Different Options

Maybe you’ve tried giving your dog pills and she spits them out even if they’re swathed in peanut butter. Maybe you cover the syringe in cheese and your dog isn’t fooled. Always talk to your vet about different medicine options and do not just stop giving your dog what he needs to get healthy. There are many ways to help make giving medicine to your pet easier; remember that your dog is counting on you to help them return to a healthy state.

Medicine time doesn’t have to be difficult, and with these tips, your pooch will quickly be on the road to recovery!

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