How to Green Your Dog

Living a green and eco-friendly life is all the rage these days. Switching out your toxic cleaning products for homemade ones and biking to work more is easy, but have you ever thought about greening your dog’s routine? With a little patience and work, it can be done. Here are some tips for how to green your dog.

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Switch to Natural Treatments

Ever taken a look at the un-pronounceable ingredients in your pup’s shampoo or the list of nasty chemicals in her monthly tick treatment? Sometimes dogs can be even more sensitive to harsh or dangerous additives than us humans. Luckily, the number of companies selling green grooming products and herbal treatments is growing longer each day. So exchange that synthetic shampoo and those harmful monthly medications for green products and herbal treatments. Your dog will thank you.

Make Your Own Dog Treats

Not only can buying boxes of snacks add up over time, but, again, the ingredient list isn’t always full of products you’d want your dog to ingest. Making your own dog treats is an easy and healthy way to help keep your dog green. There are endless variations and combos that you can make. Not sure where to start? Check out this article from Cesar’s Way for a great list of suggestions. Try them all to find out which ones your dog loves best!

Make Your Own Dog Meals

For the owners out there with the time, making your own dog food is a great way to green your dog’s routine. This step isn’t for everyone, however. Be sure to talk to your vet first so they can recommend the nutrients and portions your dog needs to stay healthy. Research recipes on the internet and reach out to other pet parents who are making their own food for tips and tricks. Making your dog’s food can be a time-consuming but ultimately rewarding experience.

Buy Eco-Friendly Poop Bags

Here’s an easy way to step into the green friendly world if you’re not eager to whip up treats and food in the kitchen: buy eco-friendly poop bags. These bags come in all sorts of colors and scents, and if you buy in bulk, their cost is next to nothing. Helping keep the neighborhood clean and using recycled/eco-friendly bags that are better for the environment? It’s a win-win!

Buy Eco-Friendly Dog Products

Beds, collars, leashes, toys, brushes, combs, toothbrushes…the list of green dog products goes on and on. Instead of giving your pooch a plastic turkey leg to chew on, hand her an eco-friendly plush dog bone. Toss her old bed out and replace it with one made from recycled bottles with a layer of organic cotton. The possibilities are endless.

Follow these steps and pretty soon your dog and you will be living a happy and green life!

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