Human Foods You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog

When I first brought Socks home, I vowed that I wouldn’t be one of those people who gave him human food all the time. He would eat the dog food I bought him and dog treats, nothing else.

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Fast-forward almost three years later, and his diet pretty much consists of 40% human food and 60% dog food. I know, I know. But the good news is I only feed him human food that’s good for him like fruits, veggies, and cooked chicken. Unfortunately, a lot of owners don’t think twice about dropping cookies or chips or other foods that are bad for dogs. Not sure what’s good or bad? Here’s a list of some of the human foods you shouldn’t give your dog:

Sugary Goods

Candy, pastries, cookies, cake, ice cream…giving anything with sugar in it to your pooch is a bad idea thanks to the ingredient xylitol. This sweetener can cause your dog’s blood sugar level to drop and lead to liver failure.

Garlic and Onions

Ever accidentally dropped a bit of onion or garlic on the floor while making dinner? Scoop it up quick before your dog takes a bite because any and all forms of onion and garlic (powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated) can do serious harm to Fido by killing his red blood cells and causing anemia.

Grapes and Raisins

But grapes and raisins are so healthy, right? For humans, yes. For dogs, no. They can cause kidney failure and even just the smallest amount can make a dog sick.

Dairy Products

Do not let your dog’s cute face tempt you into letting her have a lick of your ice cream cone. Milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems. Instead, whip up some Dog-Safe Homemade Ice Cream for your favorite four-legged pal.

Fat Trimmings and Bones

The abundance of turkeys and hams during the holidays means your pet will probably stay camped out in the kitchen and by the dining room table. But don’t let the Christmas spirit tempt you into adding fat or bones to his kibble.  Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Meanwhile, bones pose a serious choking hazard and can also splinter and block or cause cuts in your dog’s digestive system.

If you’d like to treat your pet, try most veggies and fruits, which are as good for dogs as they are for us.

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