Keeping Your Car Clean as a Dog Owner

While there are many benefits to owning a dog, one of the downsides is how dirty your car can get. Drool, muddy paws, hair…anything and everything can and will appear in your vehicle. So how can you keep your car clean as a dog owner? Read on for some helpful tips and tricks.

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Keep Cleaning Products in the Car

You never know what exactly your dog will bring into the car or if/when your dog will have an accident. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep cleaning supplies on hand at all times. Shove some disinfectant wipes in your purse, glove compartment, or trunk. Buy a pack of electronic dusters that most people use on their computers and TVs to spray out gobs of hair that fall to the floor. Be prepared for whatever havoc your dog will wreck by making sure you always have a way to clean up any mess that may occur.

Vacuum Weekly

Maybe you’re lucky enough to own a dog that doesn’t shed. Unfortunately, for most of us, shedding comes with the territory when we bring a dog into our car. My dog has a double coat so hair flies to all corners and crevices when he’s in my car even though he stays in the back. The cup holders, radio, front floor and front seats are usually covered with black and white patches on days when I’m driving him.

If dog hair on every surface doesn’t bother you or if you don’t take your dog in the car that much, stick to vacuuming once a month. If your dog sheds a lot or you just can’t stand all the air, vacuum weekly. This can be done by taking your car to the car wash or hauling out your own vacuum at home and sucking up all that dog hair.

Wash Your Car Once a Month

The absolute best way to keep your car as clean as possible is by washing it once a month. To save money, you can even wash your car at home. Follow the steps in this article by Real Simple to spruce up your car in the privacy of your own driveway the easy way. Again, depending on how much your dog sheds, you might be able to go longer than one month between car washes.

Use Protective Gear

That doggie drool is not going to come out of your car seat easily. Nor is the mud your beloved pooch smears on the backseat. The best way to prevent the interior of your car from becoming an eyesore is by using protective gear. I use a large backseat cover (typically found in pet stores or online) in my car and it works great at not only protecting the seat from stains and wear and tear, but also doubling as a safety feature to help prevent my dog from being thrown around like a rag doll.

Keep Your Expectations Low

The reality is that when you own a dog, your car isn’t going to be the sparkly clean paradise you want it to be all the time. Dogs are messy, but we love them anyway (or at least tell yourself that the next time you discover your pup’s had an ‘accident‘ on the way to the vet).

Keeping your car clean when you own a dog can be hard work, but not that hard when you follow these tips!

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