Natural vs. Regular Tick Treatments

Before I adopted Socks, my family owned two dogs who never, in the fifteen and eleven years we had them, brought ticks into the house. Then I brought Socks home and within a few months, I found myself dealing with a tick situation.

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They were everywhere. All over poor Socks, in the carpets, on the stairs, and even in the sheets. After months of plucking ticks out of Socks’ fur, checking the carpets five times a day, and the pest control company spraying over and over, the ticks were thankfully gone. But because Socks was so prone to the disgusting little creatures, my vet strongly encouraged me to give him a tick treatment once a month.

Which I happily did…until I realized the harsh chemicals were too much for him. He would vomit a few hours after I applied the treatment and his bathroom breaks were not pleasant. I felt horrible but also trapped. Socks needed the treatment to repel ticks yet it was making him sick.

Finally, I decided to research other methods of tick treatment and discovered Dr. Mercola’s Spot on Topical Herbal Repellent For Dogs & Puppies. I liked that it’s exactly the same as the regular tick treatment I used on Socks but it’s full of herbal ingredients instead of nasty chemicals.

Three months later, I’m happy to report that I have not found any ticks on Socks since I started treating him with Dr. Mercola’s. He also has no negative reactions to the treatment. The only small downside to the treatment is its strong minty smell. Socks smells like peppermint for days after I apply the stuff, so if you hate the smell of mint, you might not be too pleased with this product.

If you use a regular tick treatment and you and your dog are fine with it, great. But, if you have a dog who doesn’t react well to harsh chemicals, please try a herbal treatment. You’ll be happy you did.

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