Socks’ Health Update: December 2019

It’s been a tough year. Socks’ liver problems actually started before 2019 but as I’ve documented on this blog, he wasn’t diagnosed until spring/the beginning of summer of this year.

The good news is he’s doing better. His last blood test showed that his liver disease hadn’t progressed and that he’s stable and slightly better. He hasn’t had any bad days since he started the medications and loves going on his walks and eating and playing.

Unfortunately, last month we discovered he’s having issues with his back legs. During a walk he’s never had a problem with in the past, his back legs collapsed multiple times. It was scary and sad and the vet found some inflammation around his spine and suggested two weeks of short walks.

He did well during those two weeks but as soon as we started normal walks up again, the back leg collapsing returned. At this point, he probably needs an MRI to figure out what’s going on but I’ve been putting it off as not to disrupt the holidays.

He’ll most likely get one next month, though, and then once we figure out what’s going and how to treat it, hopefully he’ll get back to his normal walking schedule.

At this point, all I can do is hope 2020 is better than 2019.