What to Include in Your Dog First-Aid Kit

Having a first-aid kit for my dog at home and in the car never occurred to me until I read a book about dog care that highlighted how important it is.

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Here’s a handy list of what to include in your dog first-aid kit:

-Plastic Syringe


-Blunt-end Scissors

-Gauze Rolls and Pads

-Adhesive Tape

-Pet-safe Antihistamine

-Antiseptic Wipes

-Hydrogen Peroxide


-Spare Leash and Harness


-Non-latex Disposable Gloves



-Cotton Swabs and Cotton Balls

-Photo of You and Your Dog (for easy identification verification)

-Copy of Your Dog’s Medical Records and Vet Contact Information

Keep in mind that you can add anything else you think is important. The point is that you want to be ready for anything and everything.

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