Why Can’t We Be Dog AND Cat People?

“Are you a dog person or a cat person?”

Everyone’s been asked this question at some point in their life. I always used to answer “dog” before the person even finished speaking (or type “dog” in the answer box for online dating sites).

But here’s the thing: I like dogs and cats. My family has only ever owned dogs and I am so that person who spends an hour on YouTube watching puppy videos. Yet I’m also drawn to cats. My uncle used to have one and whenever we would visit, my sister and I would chase poor Buzzy around the apartment, trying to get him to love us (he was not a fan of that, big surprise). And right now I’m house sitting for some family friends who have three dogs and three cats. Two of the cats come over to me often, wanting to be petted and played with and it’s made me remember just how much I like cats.

And how stupid the “are you a dog person or a cat person” question is. People can and do love both. There’s nothing wrong with liking dogs more than cats or cats more than dogs.

But if you’re like me and appreciate both species, more power to you.