Category «Socks»

Vacationing with Your Dog

Years ago when my family’s mutt and Jack Russell were still alive, we’d take road trips to San Diego and never once did we consider bringing the dogs (to be fair, my dad did suggest it a few times but my sister and I were not thrilled about the prospect of entertaining Misty and Patch …

Tips for Dog Walking During Monsoon Season

Ah, monsoon season. That fantastic time in Phoenix from July to September when dust, thunder, and lightning can appear anytime from 4-10pm. I used to love monsoon season. Watching the storms roll in, sitting at the window and taking pictures of the dark clouds and lightning. Jumping with terror and awe as thunder rumbled right …

Dog Toys I Would Like to Buy

I don’t know about your dog, but Socks has a lot of toys. Some he inherited from my family’s previous two dogs and others I’ve bought for him over the years even though he doesn’t need any more. One of these days I’m going to do a purge and rid the house of the excess …

Socks’ Favorite Dog Treats Recipe

Every Saturday I whip up a batch of homemade dog treats Socks can enjoy at lunchtime for the next seven days. These treats are great because they last a week and you don’t need to keep them in the fridge. Buy a pretty dog treat container like I did and spoil your pooch every week …

Socks’ Quirks

Every dog has his or her quirks. Some dogs hate vacuums while others don’t mind them; some dogs love full-body massages and others can’t stand them. Today I’m going to talk about Socks’ main quirks. They are:

Your Dog and Coyotes

As I’ve mentioned quite a few times on this site, I live in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a great city with a lot of wildlife. Wildlife that includes coyotes. Me and Socks see them everywhere, which means other dog owners see them everywhere. Maybe you’re lucky enough not to live in an area that has coyotes …