Human Foods You Should Give Your Dog

There are plenty of human foods you shouldn’t give your dog, but what about the foods that you should give your dog? Just like us, dogs enjoy a varied diet and slipping them an occasional healthy human treat is perfectly fine. Here are some foods you can feed your dog that you probably enjoy as well.

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Rice and Plain Pasta

Fixing a plate of spaghetti and meatballs for your pooch isn’t a great idea, but feel free to give them a small amount of cooked, plain pasta every so often. Same goes for rice, although you should make sure it’s brown. Try mixing the rice into your dog’s food and watch her gobble up every bite.


Animal-based proteins such as chicken, turkey, steak, and lean ground beef are great for dogs and they love them (as any dog owner who’s eaten a steak or burger with their pet inches away waiting for something to drop can atest). Just remember to always cook the meat well, avoid giving your dog any fatty bits as this may upset their stomach, and cut the meat into easy-to-chew pieces.


Vegetables are full of fiber, protein, and they provide an enjoyable crunch for your dog. Great veggies for dogs include carrots, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, bell peppers, and celery. To serve, either grate into their breakfast or dinner or chop into small pieces.


Most fruits (minus grapes and raisins) are good for dogs. This includes banana, apple (dig out the seeds), cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, and orange sections.


While you’re toasting up some bread for breakfast in the morning, why not make a slice for Fido? Whole wheat bread is good for your dog’s gut health (just skip the butter and jam). Dogs also enjoy bits of pretzel, but make sure you’re handing out the unsalted kind as too much salt can dehydrate your dog and cause stomach issues.

Peanut Butter

My dog, Socks, adores peanut butter. I put it in the treats I bake him every week and occasionally, I’ll give him a spoonful to lick. I buy a natural, unsalted variety which he seems to enjoy.

Giving your dog human food doesn’t have to go horribly wrong as long as you follow these tips!

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