Tips for Hosting a Dog Party

People throw parties for their spouses, kids, friends, and other family members all the time. So why not throw a party for your dog? Here are some tips for making sure your furbaby and all your guests have a great time.

Helping Your Dog Have a Happy 4th of July

As a pet industry freelance writer, this is the time of year that my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feed all fill with posts about keeping dogs safe on the 4th of July. Today I even read an article in my local newspaper about how the city shelters are bracing for an influx of pets during …

How to Combat Germs When You Own a Dog

Sleek white furniture, cream carpets, sparkling tile, dust-and-dirt-free car…if you’re a dog owner, all of the things I just described are fantasies. Having a dog means hairs and messes and germs. Lots of germs. Here are some easy ways to combat germs when you own a dog.

Tips for Taking Your Dog Into the Woods

A few weeks ago, Socks and I escaped the triple-digit heat here in Phoenix and went up to Pinetop-Lakeside with my parents. We stayed in a lovely little cabin in the woods, and Socks enjoyed chasing squirrels, sniffing pine cones, and lounging on our porch. Before that trip, I’d never taken Socks into the woods …

Dog Mom Guilt

Social media has its upsides and downsides but one thing I’ve noticed more and more since I got my dog is how easily the dog mom guilt creeps in. I follow a lot of people in the pet industry and fellow dog moms who post pictures of their fur babies’ birthday parties and write about …

Dog Water Safety Tips

Summertime means heat which means us humans gravitate towards water, and we usually bring our dogs along. Water safety for children is a big deal but did you also ever consider how to keep your dog safe around water? Here are some essential dog water safety tips to keep in mind this summer.

Human Foods You Should Give Your Dog

There are plenty of human foods you shouldn’t give your dog, but what about the foods that you should give your dog? Just like us, dogs enjoy a varied diet and slipping them an occasional healthy human treat is perfectly fine. Here are some foods you can feed your dog that you probably enjoy as …